For more information about this tool, please make sure to check out our dedicated evasi0n7 page where you will find the latest developments as well as guides and tutorials. Released by the evad3rs – a team comprised of pod2g, MuscleNerd, PlanetBeing, and Pimskeks – in December 2013 and it’s compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.4. Pangu 1.1.0: Mac ( mirror) – Windows ( mirror).Pangu 1.2.0: Mac ( mirror) – Windows ( mirror).Click here to read our coverage of the Pangu jailbreak. You can download the latest version of Pangu below. The Pangu jailbreak is the first jailbreak for iOS 7.1.x. Very little is known so far about the Pangu Team. Pangu is a jailbreak tool released in June 2014 by the Pangu Team, a group of hackers from China. Developed by the Pangu Team, a group of hackers from China, this release of Pangu was the first jailbreak available for iOS 8. Pangu for iOS 8 was released on October 22, 2014. It is also available for iOS 8.4 on Windows. This tool has the particularity of being the only one available to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 on Mac. Developed by the TaiG team, this jailbreak came roughly a month after Pangu released the first jailbreak for iOS 8.Ģ5 PP is a jailbreak tool from a Chinese team of hackers of which we know very little. TaiG for iOS 8 was first released on November 29, 2014. ******************************************************************* I don’t Own Any Of these software if anything happenes to your device you are responsible Copyright goes to the Owner of the softwares Download TaiG jailbreak for iOS 8 Well We Have Two Type of Cydia For You iDevice Select your Favourite Cydia Select Cydia JailBreakMe Version : Cydia is a software Which lets you do beyond your iphone, ipad ipod could do install Tweaks tricks tips free game software Themes Customize your iphone craks any many more usfull things could do with Cydia So Here Are the JailBreak For iOS 9.xxx To 10.1.1 For Supproted Devices : Welcome to iOS Lift Here We Provide Software Updates jailBreakMe any Many More Tweaks of Apple Products