Now, there should be only two different colours on the unsolved sides. HINT: You won't mess up the completed centers if you hold the cube so that the white center is in your right hand, and the yellow center is in your left. I forgot to take pictures, but I have put in the photos from steps 5-7 in, so you know it's the same thing. It's just like solving the first center, just it's a bit easier to find the pieces. Create a 2x1 block on a different side, and join it to the other one, that should have the center connected to it. Find a colour that has a 1x2 or 2x2 block already assembled. If you do not, they cost up to $40 CAD, so be prepared to spend a little bit of money on it. Input the colors of your cube and the program will guide you through the solution. Rubik's Cube Solver Calculate the solution for your scrambled Rubik's Cube in 20 steps. Made with 98 pieces this is a real challenge. HOW TO SOLVE THE RUBIK'S 5X5 CUBE - 'THE PROFESSOR'S CUBE' The Rubik’s 5x5 cube is also sometimes known as The Professor’s Cube. I am Canadian, so deal with the u in colour. It will take time and effort to get through this cube, and you need to have some free time to solve your cube. If anything is unclear, just ask and I can clarify it for you Please note: 1. In order for you to be able to finish the cube, you will need to be able to solve a 3x3 cube, but being able to solve a 4x4 cube would also enhance your abilities for it, since the algorithms can be used on both. I got a 5x5 cube recently, and learned how to do it by only learning a few algorithms.